The Economics of the Future


*Scroll down to learn more about this optional profession


Some of us like reverse coloring, looting *salvaging*, and cracking rocks just to see what happens. For the rest of us; we like money. Keeping our coffers full requires teamwork, skill, and a little bit of grit.

Redscar Industrial is the economic backbone of the Flotilla. With other skilled miners, salvagers, and haulers on your team, you can work together to streamline operations, maximize efficiency, and provide the essential resources as we wander on the Eternal Voyage.

Whether you're a seasoned prospector or a budding entrepreneur, our group offers opportunities for growth and camaraderie as we travel together through the cosmos. As a member of Redscar Industrial, you'll always have a reliable network of allies and friends to count on. 

Join us in building a better future for all, one exploding asteroid at a time.


Industrial work can be challenging and demanding, requiring precision, coordination, and skill. That's why it's so important to have a great team by your side. At Redscar Industrial, we understand the value of teamwork and collaboration. With other skilled miners, salvagers, and haulers on your team, you can work together to streamline operations, maximize efficiency, and ensure that everyone's efforts are aligned. Whether you're navigating treacherous asteroid fields or facing off against dangerous pirates, having a group of trusted teammates by your side can make all the difference.